Family & Friends Doula

The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on the birthing world.  Many if not most hospitals are only allowing one support person, and one professional support person (a certified birth doula).  Many women are being forced to choose between their mother, sister, or other family member or close friend and a doula. 

This is where DoulaVersity comes in.  We have had many people certify for the sole purpose of only wanting to be there for the birth of their loved one.

Announcing our Friends and Family Doula Certification

We have two pathways for friends and family:

1) A fast-track temporary certification (your badge and certificate would have an expiration date a month after your family member's due date). This takes between 2-8 weeks to complete if you work on it every day.  You would be required to do the following:

Complete modules 1-14 with all assignments and quizzes

Read:  "The Birth Partner" by Penny Simkin (then do the book report)

Watch:  "The Business of Being Born" video (then do the video report for that).

(Students will also still need to purchase and take the Spinning Babies Parent Class in module 10 as well.  This is a video about 120 min long). 

2) Our complete doula certification includes the above and adds:

Module 15

A few assignments

Reading "The Healthy Pregnancy Book" by Dr. Sears (and doing the report)

Reading one other book from our suggested reading list (and doing the report_

Watching another birth documentary (and submit the report)

Completing the community resource list (and submit)

Fee:  $250